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Queries to get path of Concurrent Request Log, Output, Manager Log and FNDOPP log

Below are the queries to get path of Concurrent Request Log, Output, Manager Log and FNDOPP log

a) Concurrent Request Log:
select logfile_name from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id = <request_id>;

b) Concurrent Output file:
select outfile_name from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id = <request_id>;

c) Concurrent Manager Worker Log:
select logfile_name from fnd_concurrent_processes where concurrent_process_id=(select controlling_manager
from fnd_concurrent_requests where request_id=<request_id>);

d) FNDOPP log file

SELECT fcpp.concurrent_request_id req_id, fcp.node_name, fcp.logfile_name
FROM fnd_conc_pp_actions fcpp, fnd_concurrent_processes fcp
WHERE fcpp.processor_id = fcp.concurrent_process_id
AND fcpp.action_type = 6
AND fcpp.concurrent_request_id =<request_id>;